Ever since 1988, Playmates Toys, a Hong Kongese toy company have been the main producer of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles toys. Their action figures first came as part of the original line called Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Playmates Toys were releasing 90s Ninja Turtles toys until 1997 when they started with a new line and releasing action figures for the new live action television series, Ninja Turtles: The Next Mutation. Nevertheless, there were markets who continued receiving and releasing toys which were part of the nine-year span line. Most of the 90s TMNT toys were based on the 1987 cartoon show, while some of the action figures during that time were based on the films.

The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles were produced by Murakami-Wolf-Swenson, Inc. and they first aired on December 14, 1987 as a 5-part mini-series. The mini-series was based on the comic book form by Kevin Eastman and Peter Laird. The animated series was created as a result of the poor success of the comic which just wasn’t enough for Playmates Toys to create a toy line. Hence, a creation of the series was arranged and immediately after the five-episode series debuted, the first series of Ninja Turtles action figures in the summer of 1988.
90s Ninja Turtles Toys
- Creepy Crawlin’ Splinter
- Donatello, with Storage Shell
- Don, the Undercover Turtle
- Giant Turtles Donatello
- Giant Turtles Leonardo
- Giant Turtles Michaelangelo
- Giant Turtles Raphael
- Fugitoid
- Killer Bee
- Leo, the Sewer Samurai
- Mike, the Sewer Surfer
- Mondo Gecko
- Muckman & Joe Eyeball
- Mutagen Man
- Napoleon Bonafrog
- Needlenose
- Panda Khan
- Pizzaface
- Raph, the Space Cadet
- Ray Fillet
- Scumbug
- Slash
- Slice ‘N Dice Shredder
- Sword Slicin’ Leonardo
- Triceraton
- Wingnut & Screwloose
- Anthrax
- Chrome Dome
- Classic Rocker Leo
- Dirtbag
- Grand Slammin’ Raph
- Groundchuck
- Head Spinnin’ Bebop
- Heavy Metal Raph
- Hose ’em Down Don
- King Lionheart
- Leonardo with Storage Shell
- Lieutenant Leo
- Machine Gunnin’ Rocksteady
- Make My Day Leo
- Michelangelo with Storage Shell
- Midshipman Mike
- Movie Star Don
- Movie Star Leo
- Movie Star Mike
- Movie Star Raph
- Pro Pilot Don
- Punkin’ Don
- Rahzar
- Raphael with Storage Shell
- Raph, the Green Teen Beret
- Rappin’ Mike
- Sergeant Bananas
- Shell Kickin’ Raph
- Shell Slammin’ Mike
- Skateboardin’ Mike
- Slam Dunkin’ Don
- Slap Shot Leo
- Space Usagi
- Super Shredder
- D. Tossin’ Leo
- Talkin’ Donatello
- Talkin’ Leonardo
- Talkin’ Michelangelo
- Talkin’ Raphael
- Tattoo
- Tokka
- Walkabout
- Wyrm
- Zak, the Neutrino
- 5th Anniversary Collector’s Turtle
- April
- April, the Ninja Newscaster
- April, the Ravishing Reporter
- Bandito Bashin’ Mike
- Beach Combin’ Mike
- Cave Turtle Leo and his Dingy Dino
- Chief Leo
- Classic Party Reptile Leo
- Classic Clownin’ Mike
- Crazy Cowboy Don
- Delta Team Don
- Dimwit Doughboy Rocksteady
- Doctor El
- Giant Bebop
- Giant Rocksteady
- Halfcourt
- Head Droppin’ Don
- Head Droppin’ Leo
- Head Droppin’ Mike
- Head Droppin’ Raph
- Hot Doggin’ Mike
- Hothead
- Lifeguard Leo
- Karate Choppin’ Mike
- Kooky Kavalry Leo
- Kowabunga Kickboxin’ Leo
- Krang’s Android Body
- Merdude
- Mona Lisa
- Monty Moose
- Movie III April
- Movie III Kenshin
- Movie III Princess Mitsu
- Movie III Samurai Don
- Movie III Samurai Leo
- Movie III Samurai Mike
- Movie III Samurai Raph
- Movie III Splinter
- Movie III Walker
- Movie III Warlord
- Movie Star Foot Soldier
- Movie Star Splinter
- Mutatin’ Bebop
- Mutatin’ Donatello
- Mutatin’ Leonardo
- Mutatin’ Michelangelo
- Mutatin’ Raphael
- Mutatin’ Rocksteady
- Mutatin’ Splinter
- Navy Seal Mike
- Ninja Knockin’ Bebop
- The Original Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
- Powerliftin’ Don
- Power Punchin’ Rocksteady
- Private Porknose Bebop
- Raph, the Magnificent
- Rock ‘n Roll Mondo Gecko
- Sandstorm
- Scale Tail
- Sewer Cyclin’ Raph
- Sewer Scout Raph
- Spike ‘n Volley Don
- Super-Swimmin’ Raph
- Toon Burne
- Toon Dask
- Toon Don
- Toon Irma
- Toon Kala
- Toon Leo
- Toon Mike
- Toon Raph
- Toon Shredder
- Toon Vern
- Toon Zak
- Track ‘n Field Leo
- Turtle Troll Don
- Turtle Troll Leo
- Turtle Troll Mike
- Turtle Troll Raph
- Yankee Doodle Raph
- Black Belt Boxer Mike
- Cartwheelin’ Karate Don
- Cave Turtle Don and his Trippy Tyrannosaurus
- Cave Turtle Mike and his Silly Stegosaurus
- Cave Turtle Raph and his Tubular Pterodactyl
- Channel 6 News Van with April
- Don as Dracula
- Farmer Mike and his Turtle Tractor
- Giant Movie III Samurai Don
- Giant Movie III Samurai Leo
- Giant Movie III Samurai Mike
- Giant Movie III Samurai Raph
- Giant Movie Star Don
- Giant Movie Star Leo
- Giant Movie Star Mike
- Giant Movie Star Raph
- Giant Mutatin’ Don
- Giant Mutatin’ Leo
- Giant Mutatin’ Mike
- Giant Movie Mutatin’ Raph
- Giant Turtle Troll Don
- Giant Turtle Troll Leo
- Giant Turtle Troll Mike
- Giant Turtle Troll Raph
- Hot Spot
- Jump Attack Jujitsu Raph
- Leo as the Wolfman
- Mighty Bebop
- Mike as Frankenstein
- Movie III Samurai Evil War Horse with Castle Guard
- Movie III Rebel War Horse with Rebel Soldier
- Movie III Turtlepult with Whit
- Mutatin’ April
- Mutatin’ Foot Soldier
- Mutatin’ Rahzar
- Mutatin’ Shredder
- Mutatin’ Tokka
- Night Ninja Bebop
- Night Ninja Don
- Night Ninja Leo
- Night Ninja Mike
- Night Ninja Raph
- Night Ninja Rocksteady
- Raph as the Mummy
- Rhinoman
- Road Ready Don
- Road Ready Leo
- Road Ready Raph
- Road Ready Shredder
- Road Ready Splinter
- Robotic Bebop
- Robotic Rocksteady
- Scratch
- Somersault Samurai Leo
- Splinter
- Super Don
- Super Mike
- Super Shredder
- Airforce Mutation Donatello
- Airforce Mutation Raphael
- April
- Arctic Donatello
- Breakin’ Loose Leonardo
- Bride of Frankenstein April
- Captain Leonardo
- Cave Beast Bebop and his Bodacious Brontosaurus
- Cave Woman April and her Radical Raptor
- Chief Engineer Michaelangelo
- Chief Medical Officer Raphael
- Construction Mutation Donatello
- Construction Mutation Leonardo
- Construction Mutation Michaelangelo
- Creature from the Black Lagoon Leo
- Cruisin’ Leo with Classic Sewer Cycle
- Cyber Samurai Bebop
- Cyber Samurai Don
- Cyber Samurai Leo
- Cyber Samurai Mike
- Cyber Samurai Raph
- Cyber Samurai Shredder
- Deep Sea Diver Leonardo
- Dwarf Don
- Eggsplodin’ Donatello
- Farmer Don with Modern Mutant Tractor
- First Officer Donatello
- City Wars Playset
- Dimension X Wars Playset
- Gatekeeper Rocksteady
- Hero Hatchin’ Michaelangelo
- Invisible Man Mike
- Krang’s Android Body
- Kung Fu Donatello
- Kung Fu Michaelangelo
- Kung Fu Raphael
- Kung Fu Rocksteady
- The High Flyin’ Road Ragin’ Combo
- The Mutant Military Combo
- The Turtle Tenderizin’ Combo
- The Crushin’ Slam Bam Combo
- Lunar Leonardo
- Moon Lander Michaelangelo
- The Mutant Raph
- Pizza Tossin’ Don
- Pizza Tossin’ Leo
- Pizza Tossin’ Mike
- Pizza Tossin’ Raph
- Retro Rocket Raphael
- Road Racin’ Mike with Kowabunga Bike
- Robotic Foot Soldier
- Safari Michaelangelo
- Savage Leo
- Scuba Divin’ Raph with Psych Out Spin Out Scuba Tube
- Shell Splittin’ Raphael
- Shogun April
- Shogun Don
- Shogun Leo
- Shogun Mike
- Shogun Raph
- Pizza Wars Playset
- Shogun Shredder
- Shogun Shoate
- Shogun Splinter
- Shogun Triceraton
- Sewer Wars Playset
- Supermutant Bebop
- Supermutant Donatello
- Supermutant Leonardo
- Supermutant Michaelangelo
- Supermutant Raphael
- Supermutant Rocksteady
- Supermutant Shredder
- Supermutant Splinter
- Surfin’ Leo with Mondo Mutant Surfer Tube
- Touchdown Donatello
- The Totally Tiny Turtle Combo
- Warrior Bebop
- Undercover Donatello
- Undercover Leonardo
- Undercover Michaelangelo
- Undercover Raphael
- Barbaric (The Savage Dragon)
- Battle Damage Dragon (The Savage Dragon)
- Donatello (Jim Lee Sculpt)
- Michaelangelo (Jim lee Sculpt)
- Raphael (Jim Lee Sculpt)
- Communications Specialist Leonardo
- Covert Specialist Raphael
- Demolition Specialist Donatello
- Submergence Specialist Mike
- Firefightin’ Frenzy Combo
- Metallized Motorin’ Combo
- Mighty Muscle Combo
- Pizza Police Combo
- The Mutant Combat Combo
- Metallized Turtle Travelin’ Combo
- Metal Mutant Donatello with Lion Spirit Armor
- Metal Mutant Leonardo with Dragon Spirit Armor
- Metal Mutant Michaelangelo with Beetle Spirit Armor
- Metal Mutant Raphael with Phoenix Spirit Armor
- Metal Mutant Shredder with Tiger Spirit Armor
- Savage Dragon (The Savage Dragon)
- She-Dragon (The Savage Dragon)
- Shooter Donatello
- Shooter Leonardo
- Shooter Michaelangelo
- Shooter Raphael
- Sumo Michaelangelo
- Sumo Raphael
- Warrior Chrome Dome
- Warrior Metalhead Michaelangelo Warrior Rocksteady
- Warrior Winged Donatello
- Warrior Winged Leonardo
- Andro-Skeleton Leonardo
- Coil Cool Donatello
- Dynatronic Donatello
- Lickety Split Leonardo
- Mighty Mech Michaelangelo
- Rapid Recoilin’ Raphael
- Robomatic Raphael
- Robotation Michaelangelo
- Stretch Donatello
- Stretch Leonardo
- Stretch Michaelangelo
- Stretch Raphael
- Stretch Shredder
- Ankyl Leo
- Donatello Water Warrior
- Leonardo Wind Warrior
- Michaelangelo Thunder Warrior
- Pterano Don
- Raphael Fire Warrior
- Stego Raph
- Tricera Mike
- Tyranno Shredder